Surging media attention: Vicenza
Today, the dutch news program Twee Vandaag featured two items covering environmental issues (partly) linked with mobility. One was an item on oil getting ever dearer, and the problems that this can create in terms of our ability to drive our fossil-fueled cars as much as we like, and another was about a measure taken by the mayor of Vicenza, an Italian city: for four days it was forbidden to drive cars in the city.
Below is a quote, dutch and english (well, I tried to translate)
"Het gemeentebestuur van het 'autominnende' Vicenza in Noord- Italiƫ vatte uit milieu-overwegingen het plan op om gedurende vier dagen al het autoverkeer te verbieden.
Hoe groot de noodzaak is van nieuwe, schone energiebronnen merken we elke dag, in grote delen van Europa. Na het autoverbod in Vicenza is de EU nu van mening dat dit verbod uitgebreid zou moeten worden".
Municipal authorities in the 'car loving' Vicenza, Northern Italy, took up the plan to prohibit al the car traffic for four days, out of environmental considerations.
"In large parts of Europe, we notice every day how big of a necessity it is to use new, clean energy sources. After the prohibition of car-traffic in Vicenza, the European Union is of the opinion that it should be extended". (, broadcast feb. 16th)
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